Thursday, May 14, 2009

End of the School Year

The craziness has begun...a MAP reward to the bowling alley followed by a picnic at the the rain...with 3rd graders. Then a field trip to the City Museum with the sixth grade and Luke who of course didn't want me to go..but his friends wanted to be in my group, so he allowed me to go with him. Then there was a planned trip to the zoo with Lesley and thank goodness it was cancelled due to thunderstorms and tornado warnings. So guess what...they rescheduled it, and now I have to take a day off work to go. Would it be bad to pray for rain again??? Then the very next day both kids have field day..I have never missed a field day til now...I hate that. Usually I am finished with work and don't have to worry about missing work. But for some reason my work schedule changed this year and I have to miss it...I mean I can't ask off 2 days in a row on my last week of school..It wouldn't be fair to my students. Speaking of my students..we had our Spring Program/Graduation and what a great job they did. It is amazing how much knowledge those little brains can absorb. I have finished my report cards and sent them home and now we just get to have fun. We had field day with another class last week and boy was that fun. The other teacher and I thought we were going to die laughing..we played a game where the kids had to run with a ball between their knees...try that with a 4 or 5 year old and see if you don't laugh. I'm gonna miss them so much. I know your not suppose to have favorites..but it's hard not to. One little guy I have had for 2 years, because I moved up to the next age this year. He is going to be a hard one to say good bye to...when I see him at Wal-Mart now he won't talk to me, he just hides behind his mom or dad. I told him the other day,"Charlie..You are going to have to say hi to me in Wal-Mart when I see you." He said,"No I don't"..I told him I was really going to miss his and I really needed him to say hi when I see him. His mom told me the other night at the program that Charlie said he would say hi but he wasn't going to give me a hug...I told her that's OK I can live with that. I just hate good-byes..last year at least I knew most would be back for at least one more year...but this year only 2 of mine are coming back, they probably will not be in my class, but at least I will get to see them at recess. Then in September it starts all over again. A new class, new personalities, new adventures....and more good-byes.