Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last Game

Well today we finished up basketball season for Lesley. In some ways it was a relief but in other ways it is kinda sad. She was just really getting into the game. Every game she plays better and better, at first I thought oh my goodness she is such a girl. She was running up and down the court with her tongue hanging out and her arms flapping about. Her tongue is still hanging out but she is really becoming more and more aggressive. I'm so proud of her and I can't wait to see how she does for her first year in volleyball, that's next.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Dance

So Luke is 12 right, and he has had dances at school before but they have always been right after school until like 5pm. Well tonight was different, this was a big deal for him. He has a girlfriend of 3 weeks, in middle school that is a long term relationship. This dance was a dress up event that started at 5:30 until 8:30. He was so excited, we had to go to the mall and get the perfect shirt, and then there was a fight over the correct pants. Dress up means no jeans...he thinks there are no other pants in the world but blue jeans. I wanted him to wear black twill pants with the very nice white with grey pinstripes American Eagle shirt that he had to have. We argued about the pants for days..I finally told him I would buy him black jeans..even though he really wasn't suppose to wear jeans. Oh my goodness did you know that black jeans means your Gothic??? I said your dad wears black jeans and he's not Gothic. I got the look and oh my gosh MOM!!! Apparently the only thing worse than black jeans is the black twill pants I originally wanted him to wear. So he finally gave in and went with the black jeans, only because they were jeans, and he did look very nice. Of course I don't know if he will ever wear them again, but then again he may have to if he has no clean blue ones. :) Oh and by the way when I went to pick him up at the dance..there were all kinds of kids in blue jeans and t-shirts...but he didn't mention it or throw it in my face. He said his girlfriend looked very nice in her new dress and I think in the long run he was glad he looked nice too. He had a really good time. Oh my he's growing up!

About Me

Hello my name is Shelly. I am 42 years old and I am married to a wonderful man named Robert. I'm a busy mom of two children. Luke is 12 almost 13 and Lesley is 9. Both of the kids are very active in sports. They are also interested in music, Luke is taking guitar lessons and Lesley piano. So needless to say they keep me running, that is where I got the name "Life in the Fast Lane". My husband and I are members of the First Assembly of God Church. He is also a deacon and I teach children's church. I also teach preschool and believe me there is never a dull moment in the classroom. I have an embroidery business in my basement that is very slow at the moment, but I'm not complaining. I love spending time with my family and my church family.