Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days? Wednesday started off as any other Wednesday. I got up went to work, hurried to pick Lesley up from school, rushed home for about an hour, so she could change her clothes for volleyball practice. Luke has fitness club after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so he was still at school. He had to be picked up at 4:30 and Lesley's practice started at 5pm so we just stayed at the school. Luke ended up calling his dad to come and pick him up so he would not be late for youth since it starts at 6pm. Practice was over at 5:45 due to it being a church night, so we are getting in the car and I get a phone call from my Aunt Janet telling me that Austin (my second cousin..but more like a nephew) had just broke his arm at a basketball game in Sullivan. So I get off the phone and I'm telling Lesley what had happened and we are discussing whether we should go to the hospital or just go to church. I look in my mirror and I see flashing lights...Oh great I tell her this cop it trying to get past me. So I pull over and guess what so does he. He comes up to my car and I asked "What did I do wrong?" I think he could tell I was visibly upset and he said you were going 48 in a 30 zone. I explained to him that I was on my way to the hospital so he let me go with a warning. Thank Goodness!!! So anyway we go to the hospital so we can pick up Kyle (Austin little brother)so Tona and Rodney will have one less thing to worry about and can focus on Austin. They had decided to take Austin in to Children's Hospital in St. Louis due to the nature of his break. So I am leaving the hospital with Lesley and Kyle and I'm heading to church...even more upset knowing that the break is bad enough to send them to another hospital. As I'm backing out of the parking space...I feel a thud...I had just hit another car in the parking lot. I get out to take a look, and I had just hit Tona's car. As if they didn't have enough to worry about..luckily there was no damage to their car but my car has a huge hole in the bumper now. I had hit a trailer hitch on the back of her car. At least no one was hurt..but I was sure glad when the day was over.

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