Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lifes Struggles

Have you ever felt like your life is caving in around you? That is how I feel today. Every time I turn around I'm crying. My Dad is sick with cancer and that is on my mind a lot. I guess I'm just having myself a good ol' pity party. It seems like nothing is going right for me. Just when it seems like something is getting better, something else falls apart. Tonight at church Pastor Derrick preached about spending more time with God. I know here lately I have not been spending near enough time with him. I have become selfish and stubborn. I want things my way and I have not been wanting to try new things, or in our church's case old things. I asked God tonight to help me to overcome my selfish stubborn ways and to have an open mind. I'm going to try my best to do that. I am however worried about my son and some of our other youth. I don't like seeing them have to choose between their youth service and something else they love, because the adults decided to change nights on them. I think we should have sit down with them and let them have a voice in this decision, after all it is their youth group. I guess the bottom line is for each of us to stop worrying about our own agenda and focus on God. Sis. Judy our former pastors wife use to always say...when thing are right with Him...things are right with others. I want things to be right so that is what I'm working on.

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