Thursday, March 5, 2009

Who is the Teacher?

It takes a four year old to keep things in perspective. I was teaching my class about Jonah and the big fish yesterday, and we were talking about how Jonah was running from God and what God wanted him to do. One of my students looked up at me and said, "Mrs. Shelly, why do people run from God? He only loves us and wants to help us." I replied, I don't know why people would run from God. Then he asked me, "Have you ever ran from God?" I thought for a moment and I said, "Yes, I think I have". He then said, "God always knows where we are, don't he Mrs. Shelly?" I said, "yes Charlie, God does know where we are, he knew where to find Jonah when he ran and he knew where to find me when I ran and he will know where to find you if you run." At times we get scared and we feel like God is giving us to much, but he really does love us and wants to help us. All we have to do is humble ourselves and ask for His help. I think yesterday I was the student and Charlie was the teacher. Have I mentioned that I love my job!

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