Monday, March 16, 2009

When did he grow up?

Just yesterday or what seemed to be yesterday Luke wanted me there. You know, he wanted me to be the room mother, he wanted me to wave to him at school, and he wanted me to eat lunch with him. Well at some point, I became embarrassing. I volunteered at school last week and Lesley was very excited for me to come and eat lunch with her and her friends on Thursday. I had to ask Luke (just for kicks) if he wanted me to eat with him on Friday. Oh my goodness, his reply was Mom please don't that would be embarrassing. I had to laugh and I was very tempted to just do a walk thru the lunch room just to see his reaction when he thought I was coming to sit with him. But I refrained. It is funny how when we are at a ball game all his friends come and gather around me and want to sit by me, and he wants to move away. I guess he is just growing up. While I was at the school on Friday, I heard some kids talking about Luke and his girl friend and how they have been dating a long time ( I think it is 6 weeks). I was like, WHAT dating? He is not old enough to DATE, they have not gone out any where. Ok they did meet at the "big dance" and at a ball game or two but that is not DATING. The librarian heard the kids talking as well and she looked at me and smiled and told the kids including Luke's girlfriend that I was there working the book fair(just on the other side of the wall). One of the girls looked over the wall and saw me and said to Luke's girlfriend "Kindra his mom is really here working the book fair". Poor Kindra, she was so embarrassed. I walked over and waved at her and she just smile her pretty little smile and waved back red face and all. I don't doubt he loves me because he tell me and often he still climbs up on my lap and want some mommy lovin'. I guess he is just at the age where he don't want his friends making fun on him for liking his mom, and as long as he shows it at home I'm ok with that. I guess he just needs a little room to grow up and I have to trust the job I did the first 12 years, and pray hard.

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