Monday, March 2, 2009

Special People

Have you ever had those special people in your life and then all of a sudden you lose them and you didn't even realize they were not there any more? As I said in my last post I have really been struggling with a lot of different issues, and just when I need friends the most..three very important people from my past have came back into my life. First is a good friend from high school, I always called him my big brother even though we were never actually related. I have been chatting with him online and catching up. Second is my step brother Bobby. Growing up my dad had been married several times, the number doesn't matter, but what does matter is that he married a woman when I was about 11 and was with her for around 7 years. Barb had two sons and they were about the same age as my sister and myself. We would go and spend the summers at my dads house and these two boys were my brothers. Like I said he was only with Barb for 7 years and after that 7 years I lost track of my brothers. I think I may have seen them a time or two within 5 years after the divorce. I know I have not seen nor heard from them for at least 18 to 20 years and I found my brother on Facebook. It's amazing. Just when I needed him the most he is there. The third person left a huge impression on me. I think I have actually known her all my life but we were really only good friends for a few years. When I was 13 we moved in with my grandma and grandpa because of hard times. Mom lost her job due to the fact that the shoe factory she worked at had to shut down. Kim was my first Christian friend..or at least the only one I knew was a Christian. I think she taught me more than she will ever know. After 2 years of living with my grandparents Mom got remarried and we moved and I lost contact with Kim. I still saw her when we would go to visit my grandparents, but she eventually grew up and moved across the country. Today when I was at work my mom shows up at the school with Kim. I found out she had been very sick, but is doing much better now. I just can't believe how good God is...when I am feeling very low, and like no one is there for me, he brings all these people back into my life. I know God is there for me, and my family too, but sometimes you just want to know that others are there also. Friends are very important to me and I want to be a good friend to others, so I hope I can always be there when they need me the way I have needed friends in the past few weeks.

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